Blog mission statement
Our blog is where everyone interested in the self-storage facilities or removals can meet and share their experiences on the web.
We allow self-storage owners and companies providing the facilities to add their listing for a nominal fee (or even have a free listing) to promote their business.
We also provide a useful search engine allowing you to find a facility near your location or your destination location. Our database is growing every day!
Posts on the Self Storage Search website are helpful, not self-promotional. No jargon or corporate speak. Keep it interesting and conversational.
The audience is every person searching for a self-storage location, people getting ready for a move (thus, removal companies are also welcome to add their listings) and any company looking for a place to store their stuff.
The following are required material for the Self Storage Search blog.
Unique Content.
Word count:
- 800 (min) – Please don’t limit your blog post based on this number. Most of Self Storage Search’s blog posts range from 500 – 2800 words.
Format for sharing:
- Share a Google doc or email a Word doc.
- Link to other content whenever relevant. Every link included must add value for readers.
Paragraph length and spacing:
- Keep paragraphs short. No longer than 4 lines.
- We adhere to the one space after the period philosophy, not two.
- Use headers and sub headers to break up your post.
- Avoid big blocks of text.
- When writing headlines be specific and indicate a benefit to the reader. Read “How to Write a Headlines” if you need pointers.
- Use bullet or numbered lists.
- You can end the post with a question or a call to action for comments. The more specific, the better.
We love images on the Self Storage Search blog. We use them to break up text, make the blog post scannable and to support data. Ideally, we include one image at every scroll depth, so an image is always visible. Here is a great example.
- Include one header image
- All post images must be at least 710px wide.
- NO STOCK PHOTOS (unless absolutely necessary, which is hardly ever).
- Include images that illustrate “how to” do something or images that support data.
Example of images that will do well on the Self Storage Search blog.
Author bio:
Only if you would like us to include your author’s bio. All guest posts with author’s bio will be marked as “Sponsored”.
- Author bio should be 50 words max.
- Include your headshot (350×350).
- Link to your Twitter, LinkedIn and company.
We may edit your post or bounce it back to you for revisions. We may edit anchor text and links that are not relevant to your post. Sometimes scheduling may change but we will let you know ahead of time.
We ask that your article is not to be published elsewhere previously, or simultaneously. If you’d like to republish a guest post that ran on the Self Storage Search site, please wait at least 2 weeks to do so. Update it to make it current and link to the original post.
We ask that your articles be submitted 7 days prior to your scheduled run date. Don’t worry, we’ll coordinate a date together.
Please be available the day your article publishes and the following days to respond to any potential comments.
Please plan to promote your post throughout your social networks. We ask that you share it more than once on multiple networks over multiple days. The time frame and scheduling is up to you.